If it rains after a liberal washes his car, they say it's a right-wing dirty trick.
This is undeniably true, and it got me thinking.
Top 10 Things going through a Liberal’s Mind After it Rains on his Washed Car
1. What kind of hell is this without taxis?
2. If the squeegee men were not all in for-profit jails or drafted to fight endless wars for Cheney and Haliburton, my windows would be spotless by now.
3. I must keep those windows clean to observe jack-booted thugs planting nooses or shoving liberal talk show hosts to the curb to silence them.
4. What if the people cannot read my edgy Re-Defeat Bush bumper sticker?
5. The chief cause of this possibly-carcinogenic particulate matter on my Prius is the Republicans’ obstinate refusal to ratify Kyoto.
6. Said particulate matter doubtless belched from SUVs and coal-fired plants keeping all those plasma screens in flyover country aglow with Fox News.
7. Each acid rain droplet is another nail in the coffin of those global warming denialists. What more proof could those criminals require that Mother Earth is dying?
8. Is it warm out here for this time of year?
9. There should be more undocumented laborers to do this for me so I could rebut that Chomsky smear.
10. Hey...hey! Why didn't my domestic partner help me wash the car, anyway?