When Bill and Hillary Clinton did their online "Sopranos" spoof after the HBO show's finale, they may have been trying to tell us something more than we realized. The Clintons, sans the New Jersey accent, subtly yet unmistakably were announcing: "We and our posse are back. Burglars and all."
Maybe they should do new spoof showcasing their document-grabber. How about, say, the opening scene of Reservoir Dogs -- the one where Messrs. Pink, Blue, Brown, Orange, Blond, White (as well as Nice Guy Eddie and his dad) gather for breakfast before the big heist. Berger, of course, would be Mr. White, who grabs Joe Cabot’s address book and refuses to give it back after Joe keeps reading from it.
Anyway, K-Lo thinks the hire it is a huge judgment issue:
That the Hillary Clinton campaign would even take Mr. Berger’s phone calls, never mind hold him close as an adviser, is an outrage. Moreover, it is a bright-red, screeching siren signaling a huge judgment problem on Mrs. Clinton’s part.
The Berger hire is indeed a wailing Klaxon, except in the way of an office fire alarm people ignore as they keep working. Until voters start paying attention, the Clinton campaign figures they can keep tapping that bad judgment switch like frenzied lab rats getting happy jolts.
With a perfect plan, what could possibly go wrong?