"You don’t need a weatherman,” sang Dylan, “to know which way the wind blows." The New Left terror group that lifted their Weatherman moniker from those lyrics watched a public fail adequately to comprehend their senseless violence-revolution-smelly hippie trip any better than I can understand every fifth word Dylan sings.
Today, for every Weatherman there are a million global warming ninnies with Weather Channel anxiety to advance the Left’s political agenda and mistake partisan talking points for science.
With occasional warm days in cold months, turning points in Iraq, and befuddled by the earliest-ever primaries in 2008, pundits are spinning noisily like so many rusty weathervanes, pointing this way and that. Meanwhile the dollar makes new lows daily against oil, gold, and any confetti currency you can name. Votes that matter are being cast.
You don't need to wait for an election to find out which way the wind blows.